KO | 서울특별시 관악구 신림동길 23-1 3층 |
EN | 3F, 23-1, Sillimdong-gil, Gwanak-gu, Seoul |
To make your travel from the airport to your accommodation smoother, please consider purchasing a T-money card at the airport. This card can be used for both the Airport Railroad Express (AREX) and the city train, as they operate on different systems. 😊
No.6003, No.6017
After accepting volunteer request, you can contact with us by below info.
Q: Which SIM provider is the best for foreigners ?A: CHINGU Mobile → https://chingumobile.com/
Q: What is the emergency number in South Korea?A: The emergency number for police is 112, and for fire and ambulance services, it's 119.
Q: Is the public transportation system in Seoul easy to use?A: Yes, Seoul has an extensive and efficient public transportation system, including buses and subways. The T-money card, can be used for both buses and subways, and it can be purchased and recharged with Korean Currency Cash Only at convenience stores and subway stations.